3xStrapon » FemDom Pegging » Brutality from forth and behind - Cruel Amazons - Mistress Amanda, Lady Anett

Brutality from forth and behind - Cruel Amazons - Mistress Amanda, Lady Anett | FemDom Pegging

Brutality from forth and behind - Cruel Amazons - Mistress Amanda, Lady Anett | 3x-strapon.com

Info: 127 2023-4-07

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Description video:

The slave must bear the cruelty of Mistress Amanda and Lady Anett all at once. Mistress Amanda walks up to him, as he is laying on his belly, naked and tied down to the spankingbench, and she pushes her huge strapon into his ass right away, without warning. As the slave screams, Lady Anett uses the opportunity to thrust her strapon into his mouth andmake him suck. They yell and hit him while fucking him brutally.

Runtime: 00:10:09 * Type video: 1024x576 SD (16:9) * File Size: 93.5 MB

Brutality from forth and behind - Cruel Amazons - Mistress Amanda, Lady Anett
Category: FemDom Pegging

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