3xStrapon » LezDom Lesbians » Cheating Slut Surprised And Punish Fucked - Alexa Addams, Rubythee Cherry, Alexa Addams

Cheating Slut Surprised And Punish Fucked - Alexa Addams, Rubythee Cherry, Alexa Addams | LezDom Lesbians

Cheating Slut Surprised And Punish Fucked - Alexa Addams, Rubythee Cherry, Alexa Addams | 3x-strapon.com

Info: 743 2022-11-18

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Description video:

Ruby is a boyfriend stealing slut who’s waiting patiently at her hotel for my and Tay’s boyfriend to join her. Instead, tay and I find out that he’s been cheating and decide to pay her a surprise visit and teach her a lesson. We show up to her room and push our way inside, shoving her on the couch and humiliating her for being a cheating slut. We decide since she’s such a cock hungry slut, the best way for her to learn her lesson is to take both of our cocks until she can’t handle anymore. We drag her by the hair to the bedroom and take turns taunting , spanking, stepping on and spitting on her while she fucks and sucks us both off until we decide we’re bored with her Ft. thegothbaby RubytheeCherry alexaaddams Filmed by w33dbaby

Runtime: 00:08:37 * Type video: 1920x1080 FullHD (16:9) * File Size: 275 MB

Cheating Slut Surprised And Punish Fucked - Alexa Addams, Rubythee Cherry, Alexa Addams
Category: LezDom Lesbians

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