Seduced by Step-mommy for Daddy to Watch - Kailey Ketchum | LezDom Lesbians

STOP! Before you buy this vid, head over to the contest page! If you donate $20 to the Double Trouble contest, you will receive this video. =) Once you donate, I'll message you with an MV Link so you can download or stream the vid. There is a direct link on my MV profile, or go to the contest page, find "Submissive Sluts," and vote! Kailey's step-mom calls her in her room. Kailey, who isn't the biggest fan of her step-mom, tells her she thinks that daddy can do better than her. When Emma threatens to convince Daddy to discontinue Kailey's allowance, Kailey becomes much more compliant so that Daddy will continue to take care of her. Emma's terms: sex. Emma seduces Kailey and shows her exactly what Daddy sees in her. When Kailey realizes what it is Daddy loves about step-mommy, she gets really into the pleasure of what's happening. The twist: Hidden cameras have been installed in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom, and Daddy has been watching the whole time! Kailey doesn't mind though. After all, she loves her Daddy
Runtime: 00:14:40 * Type video: 1920x1080 FullHD (16:9) * File Size: 641 MB