3xStrapon » LezDom Lesbians » Concept: Girl Crush - Team Skeet - Breezy Bri and Melanie Marie

Concept: Girl Crush - Team Skeet - Breezy Bri and Melanie Marie | LezDom Lesbians

Concept: Girl Crush - Team Skeet - Breezy Bri and Melanie Marie | 3x-strapon.com

Info: 81 2024-2-29

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Description video:

What’sp, TeamSkeet fans? We’ve come up with a new concept for ya. This time, we keep it simple and hot: it’s two schoolgirls and a lesbian crush that will definitely turn you on! Melanie was selected to play Juliet in her all-girls school’s play, but due to her somewhat shy and introverted nature, she's not sure she can pull out a good performance. Her best friend Bri, an outgoing and adventurous gal who was selected to play Romeo, decides to help her get into character by wearing their costumes and doing some role-playing. As the rehearsal requires a lot of touching and kissing, the girls soon discover that there is more than horny chemistry between them.

Runtime: 00:43:55 * Type video: 1280x720 HD (16:9) * File Size: 630 MB

Concept: Girl Crush - Team Skeet - Breezy Bri and Melanie Marie
Category: LezDom Lesbians

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