3xStrapon » LezDom Lesbians » 47 year old Clara Matthews turned a roleplaying date into a spank date with 33 year old Eryn Rose - Mature - Clara Matthews and Eryn Rose

47 year old Clara Matthews turned a roleplaying date into a spank date with 33 year old Eryn Rose - Mature - Clara Matthews and Eryn Rose | LezDom Lesbians

47 year old Clara Matthews turned a roleplaying date into a spank date with 33 year old Eryn Rose - Mature - Clara Matthews and Eryn Rose | 3x-strapon.com

Info: 76 2024-9-05

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Description video:

Kinky lesbians 33 year old Eryn Rose and 47 year old Clara Matthews love to have roleplaying games in their kinky fetish get-to-gethers. The act out in different ways, dress up with cosplay and then seduce each other. The lick and fuck each other with a strap-on dildo. Clara Matthews hairy pussy gets licked by the always horny Eryn. But the real kick comes from the heavy spanking with whips, paddles and sticks until Eryn's butt is red hot! It's their fetish and they go all in!

Runtime: 00:20:55 * Type video: 1920x1080 FullHD (16:9) * File Size: 702 MB

47 year old Clara Matthews turned a roleplaying date into a spank date with 33 year old Eryn Rose - Mature - Clara Matthews and Eryn Rose
Category: LezDom Lesbians

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