21 Jumper Cable Street - Part 3 - Ashley Fires | LezDom Lesbians

It was now time for Becky and Misty for undergo their personally profile installments. Each android is given four distinct personalities by Dr. Fires techs. The Sorority Girl, Nerdy Girl, Cheerleader, and the Slutty Party Stripper Girl. That will cover all the groups on campus that may be selling the Miley Drug. Their programs are uploaded and then one by one the techs run the personality programs. They are asked questions and they then respond with pre programmed answers. There are a few glitches but fixed right away. Once that phase is completed we move to their physical responses when given the drug Miley. They are given a Placebo and the techs stand back. This was the real test. They must react exactly like humans would on the drug. Will it work?
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