Anal Blitzkreig (FULL Director's Cut!) - Cybill Troy | FemDom Pegging

(Finally! The FULL Director's Cut of "Anal Blitzkrieg"! 3x as long & 3x as extreme!)
Pushing the limits of her slaves & really testing the depths of their dedication to her, is something Cybill Troy really enjoys. Coercing them to go beyond what they wrongly previously believed to be a "hard limit", she tests what they'll endure to make her happy.
Another thing Miss Troy also enjoys, in fact, loves; is breaking in virgins.
So, when one of her favourite slave boys admits to being a whipping virgin, she decides she absolutely has to film his first ever proper whipping experience.
With the clearly nervous slave in position, Miss Troy in a benevolent gesture, kindly doses him. This increases his state of servile obedience, while rendering his mind into a confused mess.
As the whipping progresses, so does the intensity of the strokes. Welt upon welt is raised, with both back & buttocks gaining colour.
To make sure he is fully in the moment, Cybill Troy asks her slave some very easy questions, between strokes. Her slave fails to answer correctly, so the intensity of the whipping increases.
Under this onslaught the slave finally satisfies his Mistress with the correct responses.
With his whipping virginity now taken by her hand, Miss Troy mercifully ends her whipping of this trembling, reddened, thankful piece of meat.
After her rubber gimp's first painful whipping (not to mention the arm up his ass on the cross!) results in complete destruction, Cybill Troy drags him down to the spanking horse to take his freshly shredded ass with her giant rubber strapon cocks, leaving him violated and claimed as her property both inside and out.
A vicious anal fucking with her favorite black 14-inch cock (and BOTH of her arms!) leaves him and broken.... but as always, she demands more and more.
Runtime: 00:20:58 * Type video: 1280x720 HD (16:9) * File Size: 1.32 GB